Sunday, June 8, 2014

Health Tip Sunday

I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis -- a condition that affects my energy levels, my health, my mood, and can cause severe pains and fatigue that can sometimes affect my ability to get things done. Since I was diagnosed I have had to focus greatly on how I am treating my body in order to keep my endometriosis and its symptoms in check.

A lot of my own personal research has gone into how to create a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family and I am endlessly shocked at how much a healthy diet and moderate exercise can affect a person's every day and how it has personally helped me to maintain my busy schedule. In order to share my research and help others see the benefits of such a change, I will be using this weekly blog post as a means to share some tips and tricks and knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and why it is so important.

One of the most neglected health topics for young, trying to get too much done in too short of a time frame, adults is sleep. I am personally guilty of letting this one slip to the back burner and I make up for it with too many cups of coffee before 8am and an energy drink before that 2o'clock lag hits during my work day. 

The effects of a lack of sleep are endless but here is just a few.. 
  • Weight -- Lack of sleep hurts your ability to metabolize food
  • Skin -- Without sleep, your skin gets dehydrated, irritated (causes acne), and excessive wrinkles
  • Heart -- Lack of sleep puts stress on your heart which causes high blood pressure and heart disease (even in young adults)
I went to many doctors for many years looking for answers to why I was always having so many health issues. When I finally met my current doctor and was diagnosed, I was told that sleep could actually relieve my pain naturally; I was far beyond skeptical.  However since then I have actually seen huge changes to my natural energy levels and the amount of pain I experience daily. I used to experience significant pain all of the time and even eating food was hard to do; now my pain is pretty sparse and it never affects my ability to keep up with my busy life.

I challenge everyone that reads this to try this theory out. Research this for yourself, create a "bedtime" and stick with it as best as you can, attempt to wake up at the same time every day to give your body a schedule, and cut back on caffeine, especially at night. I can guarantee the difference after just two weeks will be enough to make you a believer.

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